FET #1

AF came on 24th Feb..this is it..I went through a natural FET cycle and scheduled scans to monitor my follicles went well..I ovulated on D15 and 3 days later had the FET procedure. This time, we agreed to transfer a single embryo only. I forgot to mention, when I first revisit the Dr this year, I also have started weekly acupuncture which they gave me some herbs medicine too, so called to balance my Qi..but it tasted yucks! Nevertheless I survived those herbs phase which I told them I wish to discontinue it and just continue with acupuncture. So apart from acupuncture pre and post transfer, I drove myself to the acupuncture center daily for 5 days after the transfer (it’s the center’s procedure). Wish I could use my leave hibernating at home post transfer but this time I just want to try to give my best..anything that could enhance my success..so much pressure and hope to make this work you see..

Going through 2ww this round was not so much difference from last year in terms of me googling stuffs about 2ww! Luckily I only took a week off so that left me with less time to flood my mind with 2ww symptoms and stuffs. I imagined the worst like getting my period before the day to take UPT but thanked God the day finally came to test with my panties clear. I woke up from a bad dream in the wee hours and impatiently pee on the stick. I was like ok whatever, let’s do this! I stared at the stick like a football fan cheering for the ball to go towards the goal post..and it was positively positive! Now that was worth it waking up from a really bad dream (I couldn’t remember what was the dream about). I took a breathe of relief and text my hubby who was outstation and still soundly asleep I guess. The next day I went to the clinic to take a blood draw for bHCG. It took the lab quite a while until I had to follow up before the clinic closed. The beta result was 304 and another breathe of relief!

But..but..you know at the back of my mind I have few benchmark milestones that I have to pass through..with my very first pregnancy loss @15 weeks, second loss @19 weeks and now given another chance..I don’t know how far along I’ll be able to go..I was so scared..but first and foremost I have to pass the heartbeat test during the first scan @7 weeks. During the scan, goodness gracious! I saw and heard a tiny heart beating perfectly. Another milestone passed.

Today, the little life inside me is already 8w2d along..Alhamdulillah thank you God for this gift again and again and I pray that I will have a smooth and safe pregnancy. Dr N referred me to Prof Z in HUKM due to my history to assess if I really need to have a cervical cerclage later. So there we go waiting patiently for our next goal post – to see Prof Z next month. Till then, x.


War against infection

Here I am resurface again! It’s been almost half-year since my last post and admittedly I was quite busy end of last year after starting a new job but that did not stop me from planning for a second chance. This post is all about back-dated events of my TTC journey this year.

After an unexpected twist of fate last year (I have teary eyes by now..), I still have 2 frozen embryos and so I went to the clinic with guts but this time I decided to see Dr N. I thought a change could make me feel better and indeed I did feel more engaged with Dr N. After perusing my history, Dr N has divided views on my diagnosis when she noticed a report stating I was positive with GBS (Group B Strep infection) before I had early labor @ 19 weeks gestation last year. It could be that I really had incompetent cervix or it could be an infection that caused the early labor. So her first step was to check me for infection with urine test and vaginal swab. Few days later, the results came back and not encouraging..I had some candida infection (well I expected this one cos some days are dry some days are wet) and the GBS test was negative in the vaginal swab. However, GBS was detected in my urine and that means I’m heavily colonized! Yikes! Though I can’t physically see GBS unlike the discharge, the thought of something (I mean bad bacteria) colonizing my UTI is urggh scary..But she assured me it is very normal because some woman are just born as GBS carrier but it could only present as problem especially during labor as it may harm the baby but not the mother. The only treatment is taking antibiotic and probiotic to encourage growth of good bacteria.

With that, I was treated with a course of antibiotic and BioLife Proutix daily which is safe to be taken throughout pregnancy. The waiting continues for lady in red to come before we proceed with FET #1. Check out for more update in my next post 🙂